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Have we Become a Banana Republic?

That may sound outrageous to some, but think about it. We have a number of things happening in this country in clear defiance of constitutional law. First we have a sitting administration actively using the gears of government to remove a primary political opponent without due process of law. They are weaponizing government agencies to attack the political opposition. That is happening people.

We have individual states removing a political candidate from the ballot without constitutional merit. Donald Trump does not fit the requirement for removal under the 14th amendment. Looking at you Colorado, even California sees that and they absolutely hate Trump in the state. Trump did not engage in an insurrection. One it was a riot not an insurrection and two Trump was NOT present at the time. He never once said anything to suggest that Capitol protestors should do anything other than protest peacefully if not loudly.

Then at the state level we see states actively passing laws that get thrown out as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and then simply ignore the courts decision and rewrite the same law and pass it again allowing for a defacto indefinite continuance of an unconstitutional law. Looking at you California. I see California, New York, Illinois, and Washington State as states that would and very well might militarize the local agencies and breech unlawfully the private residences of citizens to seize guns using violence if need be. This could easily happen because they are ignoring the Supreme Court. If there is no penalty for flying the middle finger at the Supreme Court then what is stopping them from jailing or even murdering citizens to get what they want? At what point do the Feds step in? The Federal Government refuses to enforce its own rulings under the current Presidential Administration. This administration has overseen the deliberate suppression of political opposition.

Joe Biden is a defacto dictator at this point who will not take action to keep states or the federal bureaucracy from violating the rights of citizens or members of the political opposition. I have never seen this kind of defiance to the constitution by government officials sworn to uphold it. Typically when the Supreme Court rules a law unconstitutional that s the end of it. What if red states start ignoring Supreme Court decisions? Will Biden step in then? I would say yes he would. If so will Americans even see the problem?

I have written and said this before, both of the major political parties in the United States are largely corrupt and have been for decades. Back in the day we had a media that would act as a watchdog for corruption whether it came from the right or the left. Politicians were to some extent kept in check. We also had the three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial that would also keep each other in check. Over the last several decades our mainstream media has failed to even handedly watch for corruption. Now it is clear they run cover for politicians on the left and clamp down hard on elected officials on the right.

The problem with this is that the Democrats now feel invincible. Give any politician a green light to engage in corruption and they will. This has made the Democrats a much more corrupt party than the Republicans. Understand it’s not that Republicans are more noble or just than Democrats. No that is NOT the case at all. It’s just that Democrats can get away with it and Republicans not so much. This acts as a check on the Republicans. Think of it this way. If you have two convicted thieves in separate rooms filled with gold coins, one with an armed guard constantly watching him, the other with a guard that only shows up for half his shift. Which one is likely steal some of the gold? The Democrats are the latter. They are not more corrupt than the Republicans, they are just allowed to get away with more corrupt behavior and so they do more bad stuff.

In the end our media and schools have raised up a generation of ideologues who can’t think for themselves. So they simply believe what they see and in the end they will be destroyed but the very people they voted for and trusted. Anyone who believes that our government is benevolent is an absolute fool. We haven’t ever been benevolent and we like;ey never will be. It is up to we the people: conservative and liberal to keep our government officials in check. If one of the politicians we supported is engaging in corruption we should not support that behavior even if it means the opposition takes that seat. Likewise Democrat voters should do the same.

Do any of you see us coming together as a nation anytime soon? The way I see it, the United States of America will fail within 20 years. What happens after that is certainly unknown. With current trends of states ignoring the Federal Government I see the potential to fracture our nation into several new countries formed by alliances between states. We could also simply become a dystopian dictatorship along the theme of Orwell’s 1984 novel. Never before in our history have we been more vulnerable to this type of scenario. The wealthy and powerful have long hated the idea of a free people. They have always wanted to subjugate us throughout history and that continues to be the trend worldwide. The US constitution has proven to be the most sturdy defense against tyranny in the history of the world. This is why powerful oppressors have been trying to pick it apart for the last 100 years.

Here is a brief look at the last 100 years or so with key moments that began this long process of undermining our constitutional republic:

  • 16th Amendment to the Constitution: Income Tax passed in 1913. This gave the federal government access to a gigantic potential tax base previously unavailable. This has undeniably lead to a massive shift of wealth from the private sector to the government sector.
  • 17th Amendment to the Constitution: Popular vote for Senators passed in 1913. This effectively took substantial power away from state governments under the guise of “democracy”. This has absolutely reduced the strength of state governments and reduced their influence over policy. This tipped the scale of power towards the federal bureaucracy.
  • Creation of the Federal Reserve: Passed by Congress in 1913. Some scholars still believe this could be unconstitutional however it was carefully crafted to avoid such a conclusion and has survived more than 100 years. This however has also led to a concentration of wealth at the top of the economic ladder and grants far too much power to a small group of unelected bureaucrats.
  • The New Deal, began in 1933. Roosevelt’s answer to the Great Depression proved to be a failure at every turn. After 8 years of the New Deal and its massive expansion of the Federal Government, the economy still languished in depreesion and it took a World War to get us out. Driven largely by the power to tax income granted 20 years earlier a gargantuan transfer of wealth from the private sector to the government sector insured that corruption would run rampant. In general the New Deal was terrible for America but it should be noted that a few quality pieces of legislation were passed for securing the Banking industry as well as the creation of the Social Security. Social Security however was poorly constructed and “sold” to America as a trust which insinuated the money was insulated from the general spending. That was not true and remains untrue to this day.
  • Rise of the Military Industrial Complex, began in the late 1940s. Eisenhower’s decision to keep General Patton on a leash at the end of WWII allowed the Soviets to reach Berlin three days earlier than we did. This led to a conflict over the territory of Germany. This was a significant contributing factor to the Cold War that led to the Military Industrial Complex’ rise to power. The first test of this influence showed up in 1950 when President Truman was “convinced” to go to war in Korea under questionable guidelines from the then new UN. Newly elected President Eisenhower put a quick end to the hostilities and would later warn Americans about the threat of the Military Industrial Complex in 1961. Later President Johnson found himself led into Vietnam under “pressure” from the Military Industrial Complex.
  • The War on Poverty, began in 1965. A series of Congressional acts with President Johnson enjoying the most lopsided House and Senate in history. 61 Democrat Senators and more than 60% of the house seats held by the Democrats. Another massive expansion of the Federal Government leading to yet even more wealth transferred from the private sector to the Government sector. The beginning of the deep state as we know it today.
  • Rise of Collaborating Corporate Media, began in the 1990s. Cable News and the public access to the internet has led to massive corruption and collaboration from mainstream news outlets. Seeking to influence politics, policy, and public perceptions many news agencies began to move away from principled journalist integrity and move towards narrative driven news. Large and powerful corporations used financial influence in the form of advertising dollars to influence this narrative. The threat of removing advertising has also been a form of news blackmail.
  • The Patriot Act, passed by Congress in 2001. This law passed in the aftermath of the “9-11” terrorist attacks in the US. This law granted sweeping surveillance authority to the Federal Government. Many of the most egregious provisions were later either sunsetted or revised in future legislation.
  • Homeland Security Act, passed by Congress in 2002. Another massive expansion of the Federal Government granted police power authority. This act created an unnecessary entire new department of government with police powers over American citizens. It was during this period that long time budget hawks in the Republican Party began to exhibit excessive spending with George W Bush willing to sign almost any bill they sent to his desk. This was the start of runaway deficit spending by both political parties.
  • The rise of “Big Pharma”, began in 2004. George W Bush signed a bloated Medicare expansion that was designed to aid the elderly with increasing costs associated with prescription drugs. Although the legislation was intended to help seniors pay for increasingly expensive drug costs, internal issues within the Republican Party led to a poorly constructed bill filled with pork barrel and earmarks. Pharmaceutical companies played a large role in greasing the skids for the legislation and thus began yet another block of companies using their considerable clout to fleece both the Government and the people. We would see them again later with Obamacare in 2010.
  • The Affordable Care Act AKA “Obama-Care”, passed by Congress in 2010. This act represented another massive transfer of wealth from the private sector to the government sector. Along with additional legislation this represents the largest healthcare overhaul since 1965. The real problem with the act is that despite President Obama having a similar lopsided control of government that Johnston enjoyed in 1965 his own party struggled with this bill. By the time it was passed it had been so poorly gutted to appease weary “blue dog” Democrats it was rendered as a waste of taxpayers money and ineffective at its intended goal. Big Pharma playing a huge role in this legislation.
  • The Pandemic 2020. The COVID 19 Pandemic led to some of the most egregious civil rights violations since FDR sent Japanese Americans to internment camps. Most of the worst was in blue states like California and New York with draconian lockdowns from state governors abusing emergency powers. Even the Feds took advantage of the Pandemic which was clearly over hyped and spent trillions of taxpayer dollars on new vaccines, some of which turned out to be dangerous, all benefitting Big Pharma. The deep state was alive and well keeping misinformation and lies about COVID 19 and creating deep divisions among citizens.
  • The Rise of the Belligerent State, beginning in 2022. The latest twist of the knife the deep state is burying into the heart of America is the states refusing to accept rulings from the Supreme Court and failing to comply with federal laws passed by Congress. The Federal government is not enforcing our laws on the states. Think Sanctuary Cities, Gun Laws, etc.

If we want to continue to live in a free society we cannot allow politicians to get away with corruption. Even if the politician is in your camp, if he or she is dirty, they gotta go! I don’t know if the country is savable at this time we have lots of debt and the cost of servicing that debt is growing with higher interest rates. But we have to come together as a people and get the corruption under control. As for now, yes we have become a Banana Republic.